
by ThoughtRiver

AI powered NDA contract review in less than 5 minutes

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Built and trained by the team and legal experts at ThoughtRiver, NDATriage is the world's most powerful legal AI model - integrated directly within your email.

Designed to streamline NDA reviews, minimising error and risk, getting you to signature faster.

Asset 2 In-depth reporting straight to your inbox

Asset 2 Out of the box reviewing with no setup required

Asset 2 Save time with AI automated analysis

Asset 2 Integrates seamlessly within your workflow processes

Asset 2 Reduce error and get to signature faster


NDAs reviewed


Legal hours saved


Cost savings for legal teams

Time = money, 
see how much you can save!

By adding NDATriage into your workflow, you will be significantly reducing the time it takes you to process NDAs. Allowing you to focus on more important jobs whilst not having to worry about the volume of contracts sat in your inbox.

Deep breath, aaaand relax.

How does it work?

1. Email the NDA to our platform

2. Receive the report back in less than 5 minutes

3. No issues = great!

If  there are issues, you can action them right away and still get to signature 70% faster.

Working directly out of your inbox 📨

In just three simple steps Triage streamlines the NDA reviewing process, removing obstacles and time-consuming tasks, enabling you to concentrate on higher-priority activities. 

Asset 4

Comprehensive reports delivered straight to you

Triage will analyse contracts in less than 5 minutes, saving you time by identifying key risks within clauses such as; agreement terms, disclosure perimeters and definitions of confidential information.

Seamless integration within your workflow process 🔗

Our free MSWord add-in will also give you access to:

Asset 2 AI-Assisted Review
Use AI to review your NDA's against our out the box playbook to flag any issues.

Asset 2 Digital Issues List
Marks risk within the contract as issues to resolve, creating a clear task list to you to work through.

Asset 2 Automated Mark Up 
Allows you to redline and edit, with one click comment and drop-in clause suggestions from template contracts where and when needed.

integrationAsset 1

receive, review, remediate, triage.

Why NDATriage?

Because you don't like spending your valuable time reviewing NDAs looking for the same issues that creep in time after time.

Yes, we are talking about indemnities (eurgh), 5 year+ agreement terms and weird words in confidential information definitions.

For the volume of NDAs you receive, it makes sense to use Triage to make your review process faster and unlock information from other parties so you can get to signature quicker

💡 Is there a minimum volume we need to be processing?

We built Triage for law firms and in-house legal teams who are reviewing 35+ NDAs monthly.

You'll recognise them by the bags under their eyes and the look of sheer horror when they hear their new email notification tone.

💡 Can I trust the accuracy of your platform?
You can trust the fact that we test it three times a week against 750,000 data points and are extremely proud to be the world's most accurate (97% to be exact) contract review platform.

Take control of your NDAs and free up time to focus on the more risky things

Request a free trial today and you can be using it yourself within 24 hours, with no obligation!

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